I have constantly cherished Valentine's Day. Possibly this is on the grounds that my center name is actually Valentine (Yes, Laura Valentine Gummerman. It's on my driver's permit, I swear!), however I believe it's additionally a direct result of the considerable number of desserts and shades of pink that buoy around this season of year. I'm an aggregate sucker for it. I've had a great deal of fun doing enrichments for cozy Valentine's Day suppers in years past, and this year I thought it would be amusing to make some hanging stylistic theme to hang over our pink breakfast niche table. I want to utilize the reasonable false blossoms from dollar stores to make a square of surface, and I thought they would be the ideal decision for a substantial drifting heart over the table.

  • faux flowers (I used about 12 bunches total. Pick the big ones-they'll fill the heart faster!)
  • hot glue gun
  • sheets of styrofoam
  • serrated bread knife/electric turkey carver/jig saw to cut the styrofoam
  • cup hooks
  • clear fishing line
  • command hooks
  • balsa wood
  • glitter paper

To start with you'll need to follow your heart onto your styrofoam. In the event that you don't feel sure to do this freehand, you can simply draw it out on an extensive bit of art paper first and after that follow it onto the styrofoam. You can see that to fit the span of heart I needed, I needed to remove a side of one piece and paste it onto the base to fit the tail of the heart. Utilize your craft glue weapon to connect the bits of styrofoam together to make one strong shape.

Next, utilize a serrated bread cut, electric turkey carver, or a dance saw to remove your shape from the styrofoam. On the off chance that you go the bread cut course, you might need to hold up to stick the pieces together until after you cut them since it's somewhat rougher on the material. The dance saw slice through the styrofoam like a hot blade through spread, which is another reason I continue letting you know folks you ought to get one!!!!

At the point when your heart is removed, force or cut your blooms off of the stems and utilize the heated glue to join the blossoms straightforwardly onto the heart. See how your fake blossom is amassed however in some cases they will go into disrepair on the off chance that you cut them off the stem in the wrong region. Since I got three shades of pink for a slope impact, I filled the lightest blossoms in on the top third in the first place, then filled in the base third with the darkest, and afterward finished the center area last.

You can likewise cover the sides with blooms on the off chance that you need to, yet you'll need to purchase littler assortments in a similar shading so they don't stick route over the sides and make your shape definition somewhat soft.

I made a bolt and bolt tail out of balsa wood, and after that cut bits of sparkle paper a similar size and hot stuck them all together.

To hang the heart, I stuck a container guide into the highest point of each of the heart "bumps" and stuck 2 order snares onto the roof where I needed the heart to hang (about a similar separation separated that the glass snares are). At that point I attached the heart to the snares with angling wire for an "undetectable" look.

Once the heart was hanging, I stuck every 50% of the bolt in inverse finishes of the heart, and my work was finished!

I LOVE the wonderful way this turned out! It's such a major proclamation piece, and since they are artificial blooms, you can abandon it up the length of you like or even spare it for one year from now. This would likewise be truly charming as a photograph corner setting for a Valentine's Day party. Trust you discover an event to make this pretty venture! I absolutely won't point the finger at you if the fourteenth goes back and forth and you simply "overlook" to bring this one down… xo. Laura

 Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

by:Laura Gummerman


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